
Press Centre
HDI Assicurazioni for sustainability. Started the project for the carbon neutrality and the climate emergency solutions
HDI Assicurazioni made a choice, very clear indeed, towards being a more sustainable company. A real objective to be reached day by day, together with all employees, through concrete activities to reduce CO2 emissions.
HDI sustainability project supports and leads all employees to a path of awareness and reduction of their own impact on the climate, including the offset of about 1 CO2 tonne each, for a total of 400 tonne. The positive impact on the climate is comparable to the impact generated by 400 trees during their whole life cycle. The CO2 has been offsetted through the support of certified projects carried out in Trentino Alto Adige and Lazio, reaffirming the sense of closeness and responsibility of HDI Assicurazioni towards our country.
Moreover, HDI strongly aims to involve all employees in a “Climate Education” program to raise awareness on climate change and sustainable lifestyles. Through an educational path, our employees will be able to better understand the climate change and learn how to reduce their emissions day by day. The project has been implemented in partnership with MUGO, a digital platform which aims at creating the first climate neutral generation.
These activities are a piece of a wider project, started some time ago, which include the adhesion to Unite Nations’ Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI). The Company has committed itself to make the necessary investments and the active shareholding in line with the environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. A new area of the Company’s website (www.hdiassicurazioni/sostenibilita/) will explore and report, all round, the committments to sustainability.
«We have always followed a long term perspective. We are, as a matter of fact, convinced that HDI and in general the insurance world, besides the economic and profitability targets, must operate keeping in mind the impact on the real economy that they are able to produce» observed the CEO of HDI, Roberto Mosca. «In this post pandemic scenario, the Companies must support and re-launch the economy but, above all, lead it towards better criteria. For this reason, hoping that pandemic will be shortly behind us, HDI Assicurazioni is strongly convinced in a more sustainable economy and will be committed to follow this objective as we have already started to do».