
Press Centre
2022 Results Solid financial position in a complex economic environment
Rome, 20 March 2023 – The Board of Directors has approved the preliminary results of HDI Assicurazioni as of 31 December 2022.
The Company closed the 2022 financial year confirming the good financial position, despite a decrease in the result in a difficult global scenario. The net result is equal to EUR 37.8 million (65.0 million in 2021) and the Pre-tax result amounted to EUR 50.0 million (94.0 million in 2021). The Company has decided to apply IVASS Regulation no. 52 of 30 August 2022, which introduces the right to derogate from the ordinary valuation criteria of bonds recorded as available for sale.
Shareholders' equity amounted to EUR 663.0 million, showing an increase of EUR 0.7 million compared to year end 2021.
Gross written premium from direct business stood at EUR 1,488.6 million (1,573.6 million in 2021). Life business, with EUR 1,041.1 million, (1,147.1 in 2021). Non-Life business stands at EUR 447.2 million, with an increase of +4.9% compared to 2021.
Investments amount to EUR 7.630,5 million, decreasing by EUR 623.5 million compared to year end 2021.
The P&C Combined Ratio is equal to 95.0% (80.7% in 2021). The Loss Ratio is equal to 65.5% with an increase of 16.7 percentage points, while the cost ratio registered an improvement from 31.9% in 2021 to 29.5%.
The Solvency Ratio grew to 267.0% compared to 245.4% in 2021. «The extraordinary concentration of an uncertain global environment, the post-pandemic scenario and the significant increase in inflation are deeply impacting the economy. This situation has also affected the technical performance of our company. However, – continues the CEO of HDI Assicurazioni Roberto Mosca – also thanks to a strong growth achieved in previous years, we have managed to consolidate a solid financial position that allows us to look forward to the future with confidence. I am sure that the HDI Assicurazioni Group, the company and the entire sales network, will be able to continue in the right direction».
The Company closed the 2022 financial year confirming the good financial position, despite a decrease in the result in a difficult global scenario. The net result is equal to EUR 37.8 million (65.0 million in 2021) and the Pre-tax result amounted to EUR 50.0 million (94.0 million in 2021). The Company has decided to apply IVASS Regulation no. 52 of 30 August 2022, which introduces the right to derogate from the ordinary valuation criteria of bonds recorded as available for sale.
Shareholders' equity amounted to EUR 663.0 million, showing an increase of EUR 0.7 million compared to year end 2021.
Gross written premium from direct business stood at EUR 1,488.6 million (1,573.6 million in 2021). Life business, with EUR 1,041.1 million, (1,147.1 in 2021). Non-Life business stands at EUR 447.2 million, with an increase of +4.9% compared to 2021.
Investments amount to EUR 7.630,5 million, decreasing by EUR 623.5 million compared to year end 2021.
The P&C Combined Ratio is equal to 95.0% (80.7% in 2021). The Loss Ratio is equal to 65.5% with an increase of 16.7 percentage points, while the cost ratio registered an improvement from 31.9% in 2021 to 29.5%.
The Solvency Ratio grew to 267.0% compared to 245.4% in 2021. «The extraordinary concentration of an uncertain global environment, the post-pandemic scenario and the significant increase in inflation are deeply impacting the economy. This situation has also affected the technical performance of our company. However, – continues the CEO of HDI Assicurazioni Roberto Mosca – also thanks to a strong growth achieved in previous years, we have managed to consolidate a solid financial position that allows us to look forward to the future with confidence. I am sure that the HDI Assicurazioni Group, the company and the entire sales network, will be able to continue in the right direction».