
Press Centre
Results as at June 2024 - Growing volumes and strong capital position
Rome, 30 September 2024 – The Board of Directors has approved the Half-Year Report of HDI Assicurazioni as at 30 June 2024, which confirms the Company's strong financial position and growing volumes.
Gross written premium stands at €957 million, +20,7% compared to €793 million of the HY 2023. The Life Business, with €570 million, shows a growth of +28,8% compared to HY 2023. The P&C business also experienced growth, with €387 million representing a growth of +10,5%.
The Investments amount to €6.573 million, a decrease of €175 million compared to YE 2023.
P&C Gross Combined Ratio is 88,8%, an improvement of 7,9 percentage points compared to 96,7% at YE 2023. The Loss Ratio has decreased by 7,8 percentage points to 59,8%, the Cost Ratio Ratio has also improved reaching 29,1%.
Solvency Ratio, calculated applying the Standard formula with USP, is equal to 202,8%, an improvement of 7,8 percentage points compared to 31 December 2023.
The CEO of HDI Assicurazioni Roberto Mosca, commented: «Despite the persistence of a complex and delicate global situation, particularly in regards to the economic scenario and the well-known international events, HDI Assicurazioni remains financially solid. The Company reported an increase in volumes, aligning with the medium-term growth targets that HDI intends to achieve in the Italian insurance market and in particular in the Non-Life Insurance market».