
Press Centre
2021 Results Continuously improving results, solid financial position
Rome, 17 March 2022 – The Board of Directors has approved the preliminary results of HDI Assicurazioni as at 31 December 2021.
The Company closed the 2021 financial year not only confirming the positive results achieved in recent years, but also recording the best result in its history.
The net result is equal to EUR 65.0 million, with an increase of +14.2% compared to EUR 56.9 million in the previous year.
Pre-tax result amounted to EUR 94.0 million, compared to EUR 81.7 million in 2020.
Shareholders' equity amounted to EUR 662.3 million, showing an increase of EUR 280.2 million compared to December 2020.
Gross written premium from direct business stood at EUR 1.573,6 million, +3,2% compared to EUR 1.524,8 million collected in 2020. Life business, with EUR 1.147,1 million, recorded an increase of +2,3%. Non-Life business stands at EUR 426.5 million, with an increase of +5,6% compared to 2020.
Investments amount to EUR 8,254.0 million, increasing by EUR 754.8 million compared to December 2020.
The P&C Combined Ratio is equal to 80,7%, improving with respect to 2020.
The Solvency Ratio grew to 245.4% compared to 151.1% in 2020.
“We come from two years of pandemic that have upset the world scenario and, unfortunately, this 2022 begins in a context perhaps even more complex. Nonetheless our Company and its sales network, giving their best, have been able to keep the bar straight, towards better and growing performance every year”, commented the CEO of HDI Assicurazioni Roberto Mosca. " These results were not taken for granted. And today we can look back with satisfaction at the results achieved which, confirming the previous half-year report, tell us that for the third consecutive year HDI Assicurazioni closes its financial statements with the best results in its history. A result that will give us greater strength and momentum for the next challenges we will have to face».